Sometimes writing comes easy. I – Ardagh of Ardagh & Elwick– sit at my desk and words spill out via my fingers on the keyboard onto the screen, or via my pen onto the page. They splurge onto the the paper. Spring eagerly onto the screen. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up the speed of my writing or typing with the speed at which the words form in my mind. This applies to stories, e-mails, notes and blogs. Everything.
Sometimes a blog entry pretty much writes itself. Sometimes, the words are more reluctant to come out, like the very last piece of toothpaste in the tube, or a cat out of a catbasket at the vet’s.
Today is one such day.
I wonder if it’s the same with Elissa – that’s Elwick to you – and her drawing? I would ask her but she’s currently busy leaping around the studio taking arty photos for this latest blog.
She didn’t take this photo of us at walker HQ.
Or this one of us waiting at a bus stop.
See? Being an author or illustrator isn’t all champagne and all-the-
Oooo! But she did take these photos of her pencil layouts and colour work for the first Little Adventurers’ little adventure. But she’s MESSING WITH OUR MINDS, showing you only little snippets. They’re good though, aren’t they?
That’s an upside-down Peanut, I reckon. But is that Finnegan or Sprat? Hmmm… And I’m LOVING that bee.
Which reminds me, we should get busy. This book won’t make itself. Isn’t that right, Walker Books publisher person, Deirdre?
A big thumbs-up from her! (Apparently, we’re almost exactly the same height, you know.)
Write! Write! Write! Draw! Draw! Draw!
PS. Even on the hard days, we still have the best jobs in the world. Isn’t that right, Elissa… Elissa? What’s she doing now?